Wednesday, March 23, 2011

When i am Frustrated!!!

i have been neglecting the blog since the end of February. I was way too busy will my Semester 6 assignement and tests. and finally now, i am in the process of set myself free from the last HELL Toxicology test. Those hell notes really makes me frustrated as my heart was not with them. i wanted to go out instead of staying at home!!! Things becoming worst when u know that you are studying 12 notes for 15 of MCQ. WTF!!!! Arrrggghhhh......just wanted to kill myself for the bad mood i had!!!

Next week will be my attachment in Seremban's hospital and we are staying there for two nites.......i am already looking forward to this learning+playing trip and i hope everything turns out well!!! Gonna enjoy the siew pau and crabs there....i shall get my camera's ass into my bag so that i can capture them and post on blog =P

Last thing-- IMU ball is coming soon on 2nd of April if i am not mistaken. Looking forward to this too. Gonna make up, hair-do and wear my damn F****** yellow dress!!!! pictures will be featured in blog later. Hope everything turns out welll and i have a flat tummy that day~

I guess i shall screwed my head back into my notes or else i will not be able to finish them and head to bukit bintang to get my altered dress back!!!

Thats all~ ❤❤

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